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Skin Conditions

Raymond treatment me with Applied Biomagnetic Therapy for 8 sessions, after the third session and going through a barrier of pain over a weekend, I’ve never looked back. I’m wearing short sleeves tops, my skin is fully clear and he has cleared me fully. I don’t fully understand the amazing work Raymond does but his amazing work fixed me.
I would recommend Raymond, I just wish I had met him 24 months ago.
- Emma, Dublin
Lyme Disease
I was suffering from Lyme Disease, Stage 2 and multiple co-infections for 11 months when I was introduced to Biomagnetic Therapy. I had nothing to lose. My doctor was getting ready to introduce yet another antibiotic, I was currently on two. My body was giving up the fight and it was nearing the chronic Stage 3 or Late Disseminated. A good day was when I could function at 60% of my customary energy level for four hours.
After just three treatments, I was cured! Through this therapy, the therapist was able to locate where the spirochaete bacteria was hiding, internal scar tissue. I now have my life back, the strongest I have felt in 20 years, thanks to Biomagnetic Pair Therapy and the therapist’s keen insight. I am such a believer in this modality, I am now studying it.
NOTE: Joan Randall now runs a thriving biomagnetic therapy practice in Vermont (USA) where over 75% of her clients are referred by medical practitioners including Dr Richard Horowitz, MD, who wrote the influential book, “Why can’t I get better? Solving the mystery of Lyme & Chronic Disease”.
- Joan Randall, Vermont USA
Following a tick bite in 2013 I developed a multiple ‘bull’s eye rash’ and within a short space of time, began to suffer severe illness and disability. I could no longer lead a normal life. My GP put me on a short course of antibiotics. I was tested for Lyme Disease but with a negative result.
However, urged by a friend, I visited doctors in Germany where, following more sophisticated tests, I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme Disease and treated with long term antibiotics. The medication helped a little but was very tough on my body. I could barely walk or sit upright during treatment and had to use a wheelchair on several occasions.
I received four sessions of Biomagnetic Therapy over the course of two months and found my health was fully restored. I am now a trained biomagnetic therapist.
- Barbara Tawinski, Westport, Co. Mayo
In July 2015 I came to Raymond with a number of complaints. I was treated by him and two other therapists at the Institute. Many of my symptoms were consistent with Lyme Disease. After the very first treatment, I realized a greater quietness in my ears. Two of my three tinnitus-sounds had disappeared. Though one of the sounds still remains, it is a great relief. Next my digestive problems; persistent loose stools for over 20 years started to improve. My digestion is now 95% normal, possibly better than ever.
Another wonderful improvement was my tiredness. I started to feel tired when I was a teenager and it accompanied me throughout my life. I am now 67 years of age. Many of the pathogens which were found in my body were consistent with Lyme Disease. Now, from the time I wake up, I feel fresh and ready for the day. Thanks to the treatments my life has tremendously improved.
- Shalila Baginski, Ireland
I got bitten on my right ear in mid July 2014. I never saw what bit me, but my ear became very inflamed. Around two weeks later I had lost most of the hearing in my right ear, and the general area was still angry and inflamed. I attended a GP who prescribed cream, steroids and irrigation of the ear canal.
Over the next month everything seemed to return to normal – until the vertigo/imbalance problems started. By September 2014 I was experiencing chronic fatigue, severe muscle/joint pain, brain fog and vertigo to name a few. However my bloods were only showing up some slight imbalance in thyroid function and a weakness of the balance mechanism in the right inner ear. I went from doctor in search of answers because I intuitively knew something was wrong.
By March 2015 (9 months after being bitten ) I was only a shadow of my former self and was forced to resign from a career which I loved. This was heartbreaking and devastating on so many levels, but still I tried to pick myself up and figure out what was going on. Over the next few months I attended dozens of ‘health gurus’ both mainstream and alternative, in search of answers.
In mid 2015 Autonomic Response Testing established the presence of MSIDS (multiple systemic infectious diseases) along with Borrelia (aka Lyme).
Additionally a specialist MD found high levels of lead and mercury in the blood. In due course I embarked on a treatment program developed by the German doctor, Dr Klinghardt. I made some improvement on this program, although progress was painfully slow.
It wasn’t until late 2016 when I added Biomagnetic Therapy to the mix that my improvement became much more obvious. I started Biomagnetic Therapy with Linda in November 2016 and by February 2017 I was back at work. At time of writing (May 2017) I am continuing the treatments and continuing to experience improvement. I don’t take anything for granted, however where I am now versus where I was a year ago is truly amazing.
- Malcolm M
Chronic Fatigue
Words cannot express how grateful I am to the Institute for their great work with biomagnetism. At the start of this year I was extremely unwell and admitted to hospital. After referrals to five different specialists and still no diagnosis I was really losing hope. The future was planned with multiple hospital appointments, tests and medication, a future I didn’t have faith in.
I was referred to the Institute and after one session I was filled with confidence that I would get better irrespective of my diagnosis. The therapist found many viruses and bacteria in my body and over nine sessions they are all gone. My blood tests from the hospital are coming back all clear.
The treatments helped me on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. I was going through the end stages of a divorce and the therapist helped me to leave the past where it belongs and to live for the now.
Without the treatment I wouldn’t like to think what I would be like today. I am happier than I have ever been. I am returning to work next week after nine months off and I have the Institute to thank for that. They are extremely knowledgeable, professional and easy to talk to. My biomagnetic therapist is someone I would call if I had any concerns.
- Fiona, Dublin
I first started attending Linda about 18 months ago with extreme tiredness and having no energy, complete and utter fatigue. My Thyroid does not function and I was taking prescribed medication for the Thyroid. Because I felt so bad my medication was being increased which caused me to feel worse. I felt when I closed my eyes to sleep at night that I might not wake up to see the next day. I am blessed to have my young son and grandson, I wanted to live to see them grow up.
When I began attending Linda, she explained to me that all my organs were under pressure to function which in turn made me reflect on how hard my body was working. Initially when I went to see Linda and even still the first two or three days I would not feel great but after that it would lift and I would have days of feeling normal again and slowly I am beginning to enjoy all the things I had stopped taking part in, circuit training etc.
Without attending Linda and receiving the bio-magnetism treatments I am not sure I would be here today so extreme was the tiredness. Every day normal tasks were becoming impossible which created a vicious circle of not feeling great and leaning towards foods high in sugar to give me energy. I now have more energy to live life to the full which on a daily basis was difficult before to have hope for the future. I have energy for all the things life throws at you on a daily basis.
I am able to function better at work, at home and with extended family and friends to attend all the events that I was struggling to attend. Such was the tiredness; it became difficult to smile.
Bio-magnetism has saved my life and has given me great hope for the future and in turn has saved my marriage and friendships that were suffering as a result of the extreme tiredness. I now know I will be around to see my young son and my grandchildren grow up. The future looks very bright.
- Christine Power, Carlow, Ireland
For around 35 years I have suffered from chronic fatigue with a low immune system. At times I availed of alternative health treatments which helped me to limp along. I was feeling hopeless and and dreading the Christmas season until I met Sherrie. After receiving Biomagnetic Therapy I am feeling better than I have felt for years. She detected and treated Lyme Disease. I am now clear of the imbalanced disease causing bacteria and viruses, have a much improved immune system and a zest for life. Meeting Sherrie was a pleasure and she provided an all round support and guidance in balancing my life. My heartfelt Thanks.
- Anne, Ireland
Ovarian Cyst
- Lydia, Dublin, Ireland
My sessions of healing and Biomagnetics with were of immense benefit in my recovery from fibromyalgia and knee surgery. More importantly, through the therapists input and guidance I have let to let go of past issues. I now feel more empowered to live comfortably and happy in the present moment. I am also very aware that all healing comes from within.
- BRIGID W, Ireland
In 2012 my husband Andrew and I both picked up a very nasty ‘flu bug. After three weeks Andrew made a complete recovery but unfortunately I became increasingly unwell. After 9 weeks sick leave I returned to work but never felt really well. My energy levels were really poor; I had difficulty concentrating and remembering things. I was exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally.
This sorry state of affairs continued and worsened over the next two years. I had to resign from the job I loved. I was in terrible pain a lot of the time and unable to exercise because of the awful fatigue I was experiencing. I started having problems with my digestion and developed an unpleasant nasal drip and catarrh. I became anxious and emotional. I had various diagnoses from my doctors and was treated for post viral fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Flare ups, common in fibromyalgia, increased in frequency and severity. By December 2014 my life was a shadow of what it had once been. I felt fragile and fearful and at times hopeless.
In January 2015 I attended my first sessions of bio magnetism therapy with Raymond at his clinic in Dublin. I had heard good things about the therapy and how in cases such as mine there had been positive outcomes. Initially I was disappointed as nothing seemed to change; indeed I had a severe flare two weeks after my first visit. I attended the clinic again in February and this time after the first session I felt different. I had a sense of hopefulness and joy that I thought I had lost. I had hurt my back just before attending and Raymond treated that with the magnets too. I was amazed at the difference it made. On returning home my back problem flared up again but I realised I had no fibromyalgia symptoms at all! I was cautiously optimistic but know that fibromyalgia is a brain –related problem so thought it was possible the fibro symptoms were in abeyance because my back was causing me so much pain.
In March I returned, still with my sore back, still fibromyalgia symptom free. Raymond ‘scanned’ my body with the magnets and again my body responded positively to the treatment. After the treatment I slept solidly for about three hours, I felt ‘zonked out’ but in a good way. Raymond gave me a new affirmation to work with to maintain my health and wellbeing.
I have now been pain free for 6 weeks with no back pain since my last treatment. My joy has returned and everyone says how much better I look. I am learning to harness my new found energy for my own healing and I feel alive and vibrant again for the first time in two years.
- Lindy Gibbon, Somerset. UK
I have had Fibromyalgia for 20 years, struggling with pain, fatigue, brain fog and low mood. I heard about Applied Biomagnetic Therapy through a friend and thought it was worth a try. Becky was lovely and made me feel at ease. Within a few treatments I was beginning to notice a reduction in my pain, improved sleep, increased energy and brighter in my mood. This therapy really made a difference compared to so many others that I tried.
- Claire, UK
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
I had suffered repeated urinary tract infections for 3 years…During that time I had various treatments both conventional and alternative. These included emotional release relating to my root chakra and homeopathy.
My sleep was also very disturbed as I had to get up frequently during the night to pass water
As I continued to experience re-occurring pain, I had to admit that it was a chronic condition. When I saw the advertisement for Biomagnetic Therapy in Positive Life magazine I went along without delay. The treatments are both pleasant and meditative.
After a number of sessions and after following dietary and health recommendations, I finally got better. The condition cleared up, sleep is normal, And I am pain free with more flexibility in my life. It was indeed a fair exchange for finances invested.
- Jaya Moran, Ireland
Having struggled with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for many years, taking conventional medicine from my GP, I always felt that the medication never resolved the cause of my problems. I experienced grippey lower abdominal pain with bouts of diarrhoea. Having researched Applied Biomagnetic Therapy I decided to embark on a course of treatments, which were extremely relaxing and non-invasive. My IBS symptoms are no longer an issue. I have come off the conventional medication and I am free to enjoy a varied diet with no repercussions. I would recommend Applied Biomagnetic Therapy is worth considering.
- Jenny, UK
Chronic Pain
Unexplained Pain
I was recommended to the Institute of Biomagnetism to deal with ongoing physical issues that were not resolving, the doctors were unable to pinpoint nor assist with the pain I was experiencing, Biomagnetism was truly a saving grace for me over the prolonged period of time that I was being referred and tested by various doctors to no avail.
It was the only treatment that had any positive effect! I had really come to breaking point suffering daily with an ongoing right sided pain, swelling, dizziness and nausea, unable to work. It was a really tough time, struggling most days just to get through.
As soon as I started treatment with there was improvement, the pain would subside and the swelling gradually reduced. It turned out that I had multiple reoccurring ovarian cysts and various other underlying issues caused by various pathogens all of which have resolved following treatment, The Institute truly offers a unique service that has been of tremendous benefit for me.An added bonus was that the sessions also treated my ongoing sinus and throat issues that I had been enduring for many years not to mention the flu last winter as well!
Not only did the treatment assist me in healing physically, Raymond has also assisted in raising my energy levels and returning me back to me!
- Wendy Harris
Premature Ventricular Contractions
I was diagnosed with Premature Ventricular Contractions(PVCs), a heart condition that effected my energy levels and caused a lot of discomfort. I felt breathless at the slightest exertion, my heart skipped many beats and I felt weak and fatigued as a result.
I was referred to a cardiologist and was told that my heart was structurally sound but that the number of PVCs I was experiencing was too high and that if not treated it could cause scarring to the heart tissue. I was prescribed beta blockers which I took for 3 months.
Although I felt better on this medication, I still experienced the PVCs at various times and it had the effect of slowing down my heart rate. I felt uncomfortable with this and I was unhappy about taking medication long term. The extensive tests I had at the hospital didn’t show any known reason for the condition I had and I wanted to treat the cause rather than the symptoms.
Having a week off from work, I decided to come off the medication, eat nutritious food, and take plenty of gentle walks. I also saw a herbalist who prescribed a natural hawthorn remedy. During this week, the PVCs increased but I still felt pretty ok. On returning to work, my health deteriorated. I experienced pounding sensations in my chest, severe headaches, vomiting and nausea. I was worried about these symptoms and decided to call Raymond at the Institute of Biomagnetic Therapy for a treatment as I had success in the past with other issues with Biomagnetic Therapy.
I attended for three treatments of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy. At the outset of the third session the condition was cleared. Raymond found the source of the problem which was caused by a combination of bacteria and viruses. I also had back pain that was caused by the same pathogens which was also resolved.
I can happily say that I feel great again. I am beginning to return to my previous physical activity levels and planning to walk the Camino de Santiago in the summer. I am delighted with the result.”
- Karen O'Boyle, Ireland
Multiple Sclerosis
I am a Multiple Sclerosis sufferer which is very active since been diagnosed in March 2007. I have had various changes in medication, until I finally started Tysabri which has controlled my relapses but left me with constant and severe joint pain. I have had 44 infusions to date of this medication. Just before starting Biomagnetic Pair Therapy I had developed Paroxysmal and went completely blind in one eye and blurred vision in the other. I still had the ongoing joint issues. My Neurology team wanted me to start back on a tablet Tegretol Retard starting on 100mg twice a day with the intentions to build 900mg twice daily. I had been on this tablet in previous years which “controlled” my spasms. I decided against it and made an appointment to see a Biomagnetic therapist at the Institute Within a couple of hours after my first visit , where I received my treatment – which took approximately 90 minutes – the vision returned from nothing to being able to see shapes. The joint pain was also relieved to some degree. The second visit was a week later which is when I really started to feel better. The vision in both eyes had been completely restored and the joint pain has been resolved. The visits after were to check to see if the balances had stayed in place. Although my vision did blur and joint pain would reappear now and again, the therapist would correct this and I have been fine since. I have had in total six treatments and I can honestly say that I am now the person I was before I got diagnosed with this illness; I have returned to work, I am less moody, I can walk longer distances, I can read papers/books, I can play games with my children, and recently I have returned to driving the family car. I would absolutely recommend this type of alternative treatment. It has done wonders not only for me but also for my family, who will all agree how much of a difference it has made to my entire life.
- Laura Heaney, Ireland
Acidosis and Uveitis
I had an auto immune disorder called Acidosis with recurring inflammation of the eyes (uveitis), change of tissue in my lungs, loss of energy and tiredness. After 3 Biomagnetic sessions over a 3 month period I felt healed. It took my body another 3 month to recover and strengthen. Now my energy is as good as it was 5 years ago, uveitis is gone completely, no wheezing sound from my lungs! Incredibly good was the spiritual healing. I found my happiness again.
- Julienne Green, Ireland
Immobility and Muscle Weakness
I had severe muscle stiffness and imbalance due to the side effects of the medicine Lipitor. From being an active pensioner I was confined to the limit of 15 minutes’ walk per day and had difficulty with mundane things such as simply sitting in a chair. I could not play golf or have any kind of active life. I felt very discouraged. On 21/12/15 I had my first treatment with Biomagnetism and on 9/1/16 I had my second and at approx. 9pm that night I got the most amazing surge of energy and all I wanted to do was go for a run. After a few other sessions I have completely recovered and am enjoying life to the full-playing golf and going for long walks… I am grateful for the wonderful treatments and on the second last treatment I felt a glorious sensation of being suspended with a euphoric feeling. You promised success and duly delivered. Thank you.”
- Talbot O'Brien, Ireland
I was always curious about Biomagnetism. The whole concept etc. A work colleague had visited Linda for a treatment and as he said himself “with a bit of skepticism” and told me about injuries/ailments he had from years of rugby training etc and the benefits of Biomagnetism, so I decided to be open minded. After the first initial treatment I explained that I do Motor-cross racing and the fitness levels required, getting arm pump mid-race etc and the maintenance training that I was doing along the way. Linda took on-board all the information and over the course of four visits I felt I went from strength to strength, more balanced in every way, both mentally and physically. And coincidentally, I had a visit to Linda’s practice on the Thursday before a race (it was actually a bicycle race up a mountain …5km) it was called “Mo’s Mountain Challenge” and on the morning of the event, I felt so alive, bursting with energy so to speak. I almost felt like a finely tuned racehorse and in turn produced a record time for the mountain.
I can only vouch for the way Biomagnetism has helped me. I have praised Linda for as I say “working her magic”. The whole experience has had a positive effect in every way.
- Kenny Power, Ireland
I had my first Biomagnetic treatment with Linda in 2016, a month after my father passed away. In the clear out of the house, I had injured my right arm, incurring two tendon tears and a very serious tear through the centre of the muscle. I was in terrible pain, I couldn’t lift my arms up or fasten my clothes at the back. I walked around clutching my injured limb.
My doctor administered a cortisone injection which lodged in the muscle and only caused more excruciating pain. Having seen a surgeon, he told me I would have to be operated on. I wasn’t having that! Linda and I have been friends for many years and she is one of the most important people in my life.
I knew she was training to be a therapist, and she took me on and helped me greatly. She was able to antidote the damage caused by the cortisone injection, and applied magnets to many parts of my body to remedy the imbalances, and repair my damaged tissues. I didn’t have to have any surgery. This was a journey to further good health, as I have been having this treatment a few times since, recently to eradicate a pneumonia and its accompanying symptoms which had reoccurred. I can’t speak highly enough of the treatment or of Linda. While she is my friend, she is also exceptionally good at what she does and extremely attentive. I am always amazed at the time she invests in her preparation, treatment and aftercare. I would highly recommend her.
- Caroline B. Ireland
This session was carried out by Quantum Biomagnetic Therapy – Distance Healing
A little over three years ago I sustained a shoulder/arm injury around the time of my father’s death. A surgeon I was referred to was insistent that I had surgery, with only a 50:50 chance of success. I opted not to go for it. I attended several biomagnetic sessions with Linda Barry Tuohy. I felt better after each one, and the result was phenomenal. At that time I was unable to lift my right arm up much at all. Following those initial sessions I recovered fully. The only time I had any small twinges was during a period of stress, and went back for a maintenance treatment which corrected the problem. Presently with a pandemic surrounding us all, my injury flared up, though I was still able to lift my arm. Additionally I began to experience paresthesia in both hands and my right arm felt heavy with a dull aching pain. I was feeling grief stricken, and this undoubtedly impacted on my physical condition.
I had a biomagnetic treatment via WhatsApp – Quantum Biomagnetic Therapy – and once I closed my eyes and relaxed, I may have been in Linda’s actual clinic, for the way I felt. I was conscious of Linda working around me, and could feel energy moving within my body. When the treatment was concluded I already felt much better, and since then have had little or none of the presenting symptoms, and the feeling of grief has also subsided. I have always attended in person for my treatments except for recently, and honestly it wasn’t much different. Perhaps the distant energy is slightly different but Linda’s intention and proficiency was exactly the same, and the result was excellent.
- Caroline B, Ireland
Respiratory Conditions
Chronic Fatigue, Asthma and Multiple Symptoms
In 2011, I started to get numerous ailments. I had problems with my digestion/liver, migraine, and even shingles. In the summer of 2012 I was suffering from desperate fatigue and severe breathlessness. I couldn’t walk upstairs or from room to room. I had been diagnosed with asthma as a child so I was put on inhalers and sent for x-rays etc.
In January 2013 I was diagnosed with the auto immune disease Sarcoidosis. I didn’t relish the thought of a six-month course of steroids and the possible recurrence of my symptoms for the rest of my days. I’m 26 and an inhaler for the next 60 years was not an option for me! Biomagnetic Therapy was recommended to me by my naturopath, and I’m so glad he was. I felt the benefits after one session. I was more energetic, and I could physically feel the lightness and cleansing taking place in my body. I also felt more listened to than I had at any stage of my diagnosis in hospital. My therapist looked at my whole present physical situation, as well as my history and emotional and spiritual state. Through the combination of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy I was helped me regain my good health.
The positive results kept coming. After each session my energy levels went up, I was getting relief in my breathing, and my older digestive problems have gone. Through a combination of healthy living and treatment, I am back to myself, and better! I’ve never been more energetic and confident in my own ability to heal myself.
- Colette O'Donnell, Ireland
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
I have COPD for many years now and had been on on continuous antibiotics for over a year. Even this was not working.
I went to Raymond in May 2019 for a number of healing sessions. On completion and returning to my consultant I underwent a number of tests. My consultant confirmed that my lungs were CLEAN.
He had NEVER seen this before. I still have COPD but with CLEAN lungs I have not had to go to my GP in for antibiotics or steroids since my visits.
- Sean Fuey,
I am a long term client of Raymond and he has helped me through a number of health crisis.
I was in China in Autumn of last year (2019) and returned home in mid-December suffering from what seemed like the flu. I was shivering but didn’t have a raised temperature. I had headaches and extremely low energy. I had a sore throat, chest issues and I found breathing very difficult constantly. My lungs and my sinuses were certainly comprised. I had difficulties breathing both throughout the day and at night and was coughing up a lot of phlegm.
In January 2020 I visited Raymond and booked a course of treatments. Raymond treated me for a number of various viral infections. I continued with my sessions from mid March on-line with Quantum Biomagnetic Therapy
I am now considerably better. My energy levels are back up and I’m feeling much better since late April. I found the treatments very effective. This course of treatments seemed probably slower than I found in previous treatments but it seems that the virus infections I had were very invasive.
- John F, Professional South Dublin
I went to Becky Phillips, an Applied Biomagnetic Therapist, for a consultation in May 2019 due to a long standing neck problem causing me great discomfort and an almost constant ‘base of skull’ headache. After two or three 45 minute treatments the problem eased, has now gone and never recurred (Dec ’19). Becky is very professional, thorough and the treatment is painless. I am very happy to recommend this treatment to anyone – just give Becky a call – she is very friendly and a thoroughly professional lady.
- Jean, UK
I first saw Becky as I had continuous headaches and was very lethargic and run down. After the first treatment I had more energy and after a couple of sessions the headaches eased significantly. Not only did I find the treatments relaxing and effective, but Becky’s calmness and reassurance made the sessions enjoyable.
- Lynne, UK
I have recently been experiencing ongoing headaches and insomnia. I decided to try Applied Biomagnetic Therapy following a recommendation from a friend. I am pleased to say that after two sessions my headaches have completely gone and my sleeping pattern is now very good. Becky the practitioner is very knowledgeable and explains her findings at the end of each session. I found it fascinating and well worth trying.
- Ruth, UK
Quantum Biomagnetic Therapy Sessions - Distance Healing
Five years ago I began to experience bad headaches and constant fatigue, which led to a diagnosis of glandular fever. 9 months later I began to experience nausea, abdominal pain and persistent diarrhea on a daily basis.
After attending a gastroenterologist and having all related tests done (ie scans, blood tests, endoscopy, colonoscopy), a diagnosis of stomach inflammation with no obvious cause was made. I was put on Nexium at a high dosage and remained on it for 3 and a half years. I also attended a clinic in Germany to undergo dark field microscopy, where I was told that there was massive amounts of bacteria in my system, in particular my large intestine and stomach. The constant diarrhea led to a severe iron deficiency and B12 deficiency, as well as constant fatigue.
Having stumbled across an article on the Biomagnetic Institute in a magazine from my local health shop, I attended Sherrie in her clinic. Within one session my diarrhea stopped completely and after my 2nd session I could stop taking Nexium and have not had to return to it since. Due to the diarrhea ceasing, my iron and B12 levels have continued to rise steadily since. I continued to attend for sessions with Sherrie while she worked on clearing many bacteria and viruses which she found in my system, with the virus causing the glandular fever eventually being cleared too.
I owe so much to the Sherrie Scott and the Institute of Biomagnetic Therapy for resolving my health issues and finally feel well after 5 years of constant abdominal issues and fatigue. I can now exercise regularly in the gym and can now socialise without the constant issue of diarrhea. Attending Sherrie has completely changed my life and I would definitely recommend Biomagnetic Therapy!
Aoife, Meath, Ireland
Last week I had a distance Biomagnetic treatment from Sherrie Scott as she could not treat me in Dublin due to the pandemic. I have to say it was so nice and convenient to receive the treatment in my home without having to go anywhere. The distance treatment felt exactly like the hands on treatments I normally receive. I was instantly relaxed and fell into a deep sleep. Afterwards I felt revitalised and my digestive issues were gone. I would highly recommend having a distance treatment with Sherrie if you have any health issues. It’s a way to feel well, in times of stress.
Marion Bienert Public Servant Dublin. March 2020
Thanks so much Sherrie for a truly healing experience. I called you in desperation because I had been in bed for 10 days with flu like symptoms and heavy head fog. After the distance treatment I felt really relaxed and grounded, the head fog cleared and I felt my energy return. I then went through a 2 day mild detox ,after which I was able to get out of bed feeling energised and ready to resume my normal activities. I’ve had a number of treatments with you, both in person and at a distance. I have found each session very beneficial and deeply impacting on both physical and psycho – spiritual levels.
Bernie March 2020
Due to the current restrictions of Covid19, I recently received a distance Biomagnetic Treatment from Sherrie. Following her clear guidance I was amazed at how it felt, as it was like being in the room with her and I could feel the effects of the process in my body. This treatment offered me a lot of reassurances and renewed hope should I ever come into contact with any viruses or bacteria that may cause bodily imbalances. Following this session, I have recommended her to many friends who are also gaining benefit from the service that Sherrie is offering. Highly recommend.
Orla April 2020
- The above are from a number of different clients who received Quantum Biomagnetic Therapy
- Ainhoa Vilarrubias
Biomagnetism and Working with Children
Silent Reflux
Liam was diagnosed with silent reflux at 14 weeks old. He had an allergic reaction to the adult medication prescribed. He was then hospitalised for failure to thrive.
Subsequent medication had terrible side effects and the high calorie foods that the dieticians were recommending were aggravating his reflux. I had stopped all medication and was at my wits end.
We saw a difference in Liam after his first session with Raymond. He was a lot more settled. Subsequent sessions gave us a road map of foods to avoid and foods that were beneficial.
Raymond gave me the confidence to follow my ‘mummy gut’ and to not be swayed from it. It was one of the most positive experiences of my life and I will be forever grateful.
- Anna, South Dublin
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Kevin is a fun loving, kind, smart, empathetic 7 years old boy but started suffering with anxiety from a young age. He has lots of friends in school and at home. He has a 4 year old sister, a dad who works full time and me, his mum who also works outside of the house 2 days per week.
Learning anything new or going anywhere new would send him into panic mode. He also suffered with terrible nightmares. As he got older, he started being afraid at night even with the lights on! He would scream in panic. It escalated to us not being able to leave his bedroom until he was asleep but then it went a step further – I had to hold his hand until he fell asleep.
However, as the months move on, during the day, he was afraid to move around the house on his own – this meant someone going to the bathroom or even upstairs with him. He sat on the kitchen floor beside me and played while I prepared our meals. We tried everything from talking, breathing exercise, warm baths, playing fun games, snuggle times and much more but nothing work. We then brought him to a Play Therapist for 6 months. He loved the therapist and the visits and he improved slightly but that was it.
I myself had been visiting Raymond and mentioned Kevin at an appointment. Raymond suggested I bring Kevin for a visit. Kevin visited Raymond for three sessions – only 3 and these sessions have improved Kevin’s quality of life completely. He is now more open, confident, happy and laughing. He flies around the house without even thinking. He’s back playing, football, rugby & games out on the green and wants to enrol in the Rugby Club. He went to a GAA Easter camp & learned to play hurling for the first time and loved it! Our families have noticed huge positive changes.
He’s interacting with everyone now. He is back in his own bedroom. He’s finding it a challenge at times but doing it. Kevin’s three sessions with Raymond has changed my family’s life! From a very appreciative and grateful Mum
- Louise, Dublin
Birth Trauma and Night Terrors
I had a fairly intense traumatic birth so my baby’s first sessions were about clearing birth trauma for us both.
Robin responded really quickly. There are layers to trauma but I could see major differences in Robin even after one session with Raymond.
For example: she did not catch her breath anymore when crying after one of the sessions. We have taken her to Raymond for check in’s over the years and if there has been a specific bug that wasn’t clearing.
To give an example she got a vomiting bug from water and after 5 days I took her to Raymond. Within 15 minutes of treatment she had colour in her face and the vomiting stopped.
Most recently during the Covid madness she developed night terrors. We had a remote session (quantum biomagnetic session) and the screaming all stopped that night.
Robin always responds so well to Raymond sessions as her system has been cleared from very early on.
I would heartily recommend bringing a newborn and keeping them topped up with sessions regularly throughout their development.
- Anna, Dublin
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To make an enquiry or booking, just fill out the short form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.