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Evaluation Research Report – Practitioner Certification

The purpose of this report is to describe the results of a questionnaire survey administered to participants at the end of the Practitioner Certification.   Its purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme with special reference to:


  1. The extent to which people were able to learn and practice biomagnetic resonance testing which is a method of scanning the body to detect biomagnetic and microbial imbalances.
  2. The extent to which participants were able to learn the advanced protocols such as:
  • Working with feelings and emotions
  • The vascular system
  • Working on disabling beliefs
  • Working on issues in relation to tumoral activity in the body
  • Chakra balancing
  • Balancing of the cardio vascular system
  • The protocol for working on inter-cranial nerve balance
  • Considerations in relation to the treatment of cancer
  • Rebalancing chromosomes and genes